Your morning sets the course for the rest of the day so make sure you set it on your own terms.

I start my mornings by tossing a cold shot of water into my face. It gets me going. It makes a bit of a mess, but it energizes me. I started this routine back in college as I was juggling classes, responsibilities as class president, athletics and competitions, social life, eating well, work, and sleep. I needed a little extra something to wake up and start my day. It’s now a staple of most of my mornings.

Tossing ice water to the face or taking a cold shower isn’t for everyone, but creating a morning routine on your own terms can give you control when the world around you is seemingly chaotic and out of control. The morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. It doesn't matter what you do, just create a morning routine that is enjoyable and connects you with your purpose.


Here are some staples of a successful morning routine.

The morning is your pregame warm-up for the day in front of you. Sometimes you just don’t want to get up. Acknowledge that! Try not to snooze. It’s easy to see your alarm as an annoyance but it’s the starting signal of your day. Spring to action — you’re going into this race prepared.

It’s hard not to pick up the phone upon waking up to check all the notifications you missed overnight, but this is the only time that you can control without the influence of work, social media, or other distractions. Stay unplugged for a bit and just appreciate life. 

Rehydrate with water, not coffee. The first thing I do when I get out of bed is to drink at least 24 ounces of water. We are chronically dehydrated. This is especially the case in the morning after being asleep for 6–8 hours without drinking water. It’s so important to start your day off by rehydrating to fuel your brain and fire up your metabolic processes and stimulate digestion. Try to avoid rolling out of bed and drinking your morning coffee, as coffee can further dehydrate you. If you do need a little energy boost, try lemon ginger tea, or a favorite of mine, Lemon Water Chia Fresca. Before bed, prepare a mason jar with water, a teaspoon of chia seed, fresh lemon squeeze, and a bit of honey for taste. 

Once you’re up, revisit and adjust the game plan you wrote before bed to regain your focus. This is your time to visualize your day’s work, meetings, difficult conversations, or daily challenges related to your goals. Visualize events clearly and vividly to create an internal “comfort zone” so you are able to react to both positive and negative outcomes. When something comes up, you will be in the right headspace and fully prepared to handle react appropriately.

Get moving. Even if you don’t have a morning workout, move around, walk outside, do some yoga or mobility. I like to do some light stretching and meditation in the morning to get my mind right and rev up my creative processes. This will help you wake up physically and mentally. 


Darren Tomasso is a Health and Wellness Consultant, Private Trainer, and Founder of WinYourDay. WinYourDay is a holistic mindset that encourages individuals to celebrate the small victories achieved daily that sustain long-term momentum and motivation.

To see more from Darren, follow him on Instagram: @darrentomasso



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