There’s a lot more than just skating that goes into success on the ice. We asked Ottowa Senators defenseman Mike Reilly to put together a full-body at-home workout that will give you a taste of what it takes to stay conditioned on the ice. Let’s get started.


Equipment Needed: Yoga mat, light weights, bands, foam roller, weight vest (if you have one)  


  • T- Spine rotation (x10 each side)

This gets my spine moving and my body feeling right going into a workout. 

  • Foam roll five minutes all muscles 

  • Seated quad stretch 

  • Childs pose (yoga stretch) 



Lower Body:

  • Wall sit (30 seconds on, 30 seconds off) 

  • Air squats (25 reps, 4 sets) 

  • Reverse lunge with weight vest (10 reps, 4 sets)

  • Squat jumps (10 reps, 4 sets) 


  Upper Body/Core:

  • Push-up pyramid up (1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1 for 2 sets) 

  • Shoulder raises (front and side, x10 with weights, 2 sets) 

  • High plank hold (30 seconds, 2 sets)

  • Mountain climbers (25 each side, 2 sets)

    • Plank with elbows on the ground (60 seconds each side, 2 sets) 


Finish with a 20-minute bike ride


To see more from Mike, follow him on Instagram: @mikeyreilly5


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