meet the women of rhone
Our secret lies not within our fabric or within our stitches. It lies not within our unique designs or capsule collections. It lies within those individuals who come together to create the Rhone family, many of whom are women. The women behind the scenes at Rhone embody all that we hope to be. Always in the pursuit of progress, on a mission to inspire, courageous, compassionate, humorous, and kind. They are not only decision-makers on our teams but they are mothers, partners, athletes, creatives, and so much more.
In celebration of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, we're showcasing some of the extraordinary women that make the Rhone family all that it is today.
Michelle Charpentier
Retail Marketing & Operations
What women inspire you?
I am continuously inspired by every woman who makes their best effort to make this world a better place. Specifically when their efforts are around issues regarding human rights and social justice.
Who has been the most influential woman (women) in your life?
My grandma. She raised 5 kids and never had her license, which I find remarkable considering how much I depend on transportation with only one child! She passed last spring, but was the most patient and kind person I have ever met. She was nonjudgemental, always happy and loved to laugh. She taught me so much about faith and family–things I will always hold with me and pass onto my own kids.
What does motherhood and a career look like for you?
Possible! I have always wanted to be a mom, but I have also set professional goals for myself that I am still working to achieve. I find both jobs extremely rewarding and I appreciate that I don't have to choose one over the other. However, it can be a bit hectic! It does require a lot of planning and patience–mostly with yourself. I've learned to not be so hard on myself and allow for more flexibility because not every day will go according to what you had planned.
Who are you outside of your career (what do you do for fun, hobbies, fun facts, etc.)?
I love spending quality time with my family and appreciate that I work for a company that encourages having such a healthy work/life balance. My husband and I are foodies–we love trying out a new restaurant or preparing something together at home (he is more of the cook and I am more of the baker).
Everything is more exciting with kids too. It’s amazing to teach them new things and explore the world again with young eyes. A few years ago I never would have thought the highlight of my weekend would be having a dance party in the living room or visiting a petting zoo, but creating all of these memories is the best!
What does it mean to you to be a part of the Rhone family?
I am really grateful to be a part of the Rhone family - we have a culture that encourages wellness and work/life balance. It is really refreshing to work with a brand who truly cares about its people–it has to start from the top! Having a less stressful work environment has helped me become a better and more present wife, mom, daughter, sister and friend.
Rachel Rozzi
Design Director
What women inspire you?
Any woman who dares to accomplish or strive for things they felt denied to them, I like us fiery, independent, and joy-seeking however that translates to a woman's life.
Is there a quote that you live by that influences your daily actions?
The one in my signature is always on my mind:
Every moment is enormous and it is all we have. - Natalie Goldberg
What does motherhood and a career look like for you?
Being a working mom is incredibly hard emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually. It looks like an imbalance most of the days. It looks like a lot of failure and imperfection. But it's what I aim to do, and I may never get it perfect, but I will not stop working towards doing it better.
What’s an obstacle you’ve overcome in the past year and how did you move past it?
Maternity leave itself was a huge hurdle mentally, I've never been absent from a job for that long. Preparation for the team and my assistant helped me to move through it. Lot's of planning and communication was the key to making sure everyone was comfortable and prepped for my being out.
What does it mean to you to be a part of the Rhone family?
Being part of the Rhone family means being in sync with every part of the company's desire to make great products. The product is what I'm tasked with, the quality, construction, and care it takes to make a garment we can all be proud of is imperative, it is priority number one. Will it look good on a person, on the website, in a store? Will it hold up to our very high standards, to our founders and leadership team's standards? Will our retail teams be excited to sell these on the floor? These are the types of questions that are always on my mind.
Diana Krikelas
Chief Merchandising Officer
Who has been the most influential woman (women) in your life
My mother is pure grit. She immigrated to the States after only knowing my dad for a month, without knowing a word of English, and less than a high school education (as girls didn't attend school in her small village unless they were born into a rich family). She was a stay at home mom but learned to drive when I was in kindergarten, became a U.S. citizen when I was in college, and made so many sacrifices for her family. She taught herself basic electrical, plumbing and carpentry in addition to the stereotypical gender roles for her generation in order to reduce expenses. She's the only 70-year-old woman I've seen use a sledgehammer and literally mix concrete. She just never gives up.
What does motherhood and a career look like for you?
Balance and boundaries. Every day I am juggling school drop off, work meetings, doctor appointments, and my family's (and my own) physical and emotional well being. My husband puts in as much time and energy with our kids as I do. In our home, it's pretty much essential to have both us being active parents during family time. I also find it necessary to have boundaries with work. I no longer apologize when I need to leave early for my kids' events or even take a day off by myself. Employees are human and we all have lives outside of work - be it a hobby, passion project, pet, significant other, or child. I'm fortunate to work for a company who encourages us to take mental breaks and respects our time off.
What does it mean to you to be a part of the Rhone family?
In a word, acceptance. I work on the west coast so my teammates on the east coast are constantly keeping me up to speed virtually, by phone, or UPS packages to keep me looped into fabric approvals. When I first joined last year, I felt immediately welcomed and like I had been part of the team for years.
Brittany Ramirez
Store Manager - Fashion Island
Who has been the most influential woman (women) in your life?
The most influential woman in my life has been my mom. She passed when I was only 10, and I am constantly inspired and empowered to be just as amazing as she once was! She is the reason I am so passionate about health and non toxic living and sharing that with the world.
What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of and how did you work to accomplish it?
I am proud of my mindset shift and what I've worked through to overcome the past, so I could create a NEW version of myself! I develop my mind and life through weekly personal development courses and forums through Landmark Worldwide and it has made the biggest difference in my life! I am most proud of growing closer to my family and creating my most free, true, authentic self.
What does it mean to you to be a part of the Rhone family?
It's incredible. It means a lot to me because I truly feel appreciated, heard, and love the people I get to work with. We really are people first at Rhone. It's also important to me that my goals and ambitions are valued and I see so much potential for what Rhone is becoming and what retail will expand into. It's really exciting to be a part of it now and we are really just getting started! So much evolving is happening and I am just grateful to be a part of Rhone.
Sophia Gabriel
Copywriter and Social Media Manager
What women inspire you?
I would have to say my mom inspires me the most. She worked so hard raising my brother, sister, and I, and she provided all of us with a love that's indescribable. Another woman I think of often, and seek inspiration from was a Professor I had in college who taught me a lot about what it means to be a woman in not only the 21st century, but in the world of literature. Gina Barreca is an English Professor at UConn and was one of the first women to attend Dartmouth College. She has a multitude of books, and her advice is worth thousands of dollars - but she was always happy to give it to me for free.
Is there a quote that you live by that influences your daily actions?
I would like to be remembered as someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability. - Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Who has been the most influential woman (women) in your life?
My sister and my mom. My mom taught me what it means to struggle, but to persevere through it. My sister taught me how to work harder than anyone else in the room and to not be afraid to be the best.
What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of and how did you work to accomplish it?
An accomplishment I'm proud of is having the opportunity to be published through Rhone on our online journal, The Pursuit, only a few months after accepting my position. I was able to achieve this by working to be the best writer I could be for all four years of college, and with the support of my family and the women in literature whose shoulders I strive to stand on.
What does it mean to you to be a part of the Rhone family?
It means getting the chance to be part of an organization that strives to build not only the brand to its highest potential, but build its people up with it.
Ashley Bridgefarmer
Art Director
What women inspire you?
Women who aren't afraid to speak their mind, know their worth, and don't care what anyone thinks of them.
Who has been the most influential woman (women) in your life?
I am proud of everything that I have overcome to get to where I am today. Personally and professionally, I have had a lot of bumps in the road and when I reflect, I see how resilient people can be. I am proud that I have never given up, no matter what challenges I face and have been able to use challenges as lessons that only help me grow personally and professionally. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and to trust your timing.
What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of and how did you work to accomplish it?
I am proud of everything that I have overcome to get to where I am today. Personally and professionally, I have had a lot of bumps in the road and when I reflect, I see how resilient people can be. I am proud that I have never given up, no matter what challenges I face and have been able to use challenges as lessons that only help me grow personally and professionally. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and to trust your timing.
What does motherhood and a career look like for you?
Neverending balance! When I became a mom, I had a very hard time adjusting to the societal expectations women face as "working moms". I was commuting and working full time in NYC with an infant at home whom I never saw. It was the hardest transition of my life. I have been lucky enough to alter my circumstances and find a better suited balance between career and home, but the stigma doesn't go away. Everyday, it is an internal battle with not feeling sufficient enough in either role. Stigma aside, I know that I am raising a kind human who will know the meaning of hard work and dedication
What does it mean to you to be a part of the Rhone family?
The Rhone family is a unique one! I am lucky to be a part of such an incredible culture. I have never felt more supported by a team or company and love being in a role where I can pay that forward and be a support to my team members. We all have so much trust, respect, and love for each other, it's not something you can find easily in a work culture.
Jenny Aylward
Graphic Designer
Is there a quote that you live by that influences your daily actions?
“You literally never have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
I know it sounds negative, but it helps me sort out what really is important to me. For example, if there is something I am dreading, like doing homework I would think what consequence would I have if I straight up didn’t do this? And when I played that scenario out in my head of not getting a good grade, not graduating, not having a degree to get a job, I would realize that I really DID want to do my homework because it meant I would achieve my goal. And on the flip side, if the consequence of not doing that thing I didn’t want to do weren’t worse than the inconvenience of doing the thing, I could classify that as low-value, and not do it
(P.S. people always come back to this with saying you have to pay taxes, but I truly believe you don’t - you just have to live with the consequences of not paying them (Jail), which probably means you do WANT to pay them.)
Abbey Hybl
Manager of Editorial Content
Is there a quote that you live by that influences your daily actions?
The vision of a champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion when nobody else is watching. - Anson Dorrance
For me, this quote embodies a lot of what I hope to be. I strive to always put my best foot forward in all facets of my life and find that it feels most important to do so when no one else is watching. It’s really what you do and who you are behind closed doors that matters at the end of the day, because for me, who you are then, is what translates to who you are at your core out in the world. Whether it’s a wellness journey, a self-care practice, a daily routine, whatever it is, I think it’s those promises you keep to yourself and those actions you take for yourself, without the knowledge, input or opinion of others that truly impact who you are.
Who has been the most influential woman (women) in your life?
There are so many women who have been influential in my life. From my own mom to my closest girlfriends to teachers and coaches, I’ve been lucky enough to have so many women to admire and aspire to be like. I’ve had women that have taught me how to be kind, forgiving, and empathetic, while also being strong, grounded and firm in my own beliefs.
What does it mean to you to be a part of the Rhone family?
It can be described both as a meaning and feeling. It means being a part of something bigger than myself. It means being a part of something bigger than an apparel brand. It means being part of a movement that encourages individuals to live and seek their best lives. And when you think of how it feels–it’s the feeling of acceptance, belonging, support, encouragement, and challenge.
Chee Thomas
Sales Supervisor
What women inspire you?
To be honest… ALL women are inspirational. It’s hard to pin just one when there are so many women I'm inspired by and for so many different reasons. Women have this chakra called STRENGTH, it’s an incredible feature in our nature. I’m inspired by all women who at some point, have experienced their greatest obstacle and managed to overcome it. Those women inspire me because they show me that I can also defeat my obstacles.
What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of and how did you work to accomplish it?
Motherhood! I’m extremely proud of the mother I’ve been thus far to my son. Having no mother figure as a source of inspiration growing up, I’ve become the mother I wish I had. My son knows that no matter what I’m here for him. Many parents make the mistake of assuming and that creates neglect, loneliness and anger. It’s ok to be your child’s friend, it’s your job to never forget you’re a parent first.
What’s an obstacle you’ve overcome in the past year and how did you move past it?
Letting go! Women have a tendency of linking emotions to everything and sometimes it destroys us. I accomplished letting go of hurt and letting go of people/things that brought me down. It may not sound like a typical accomplishment but the satisfaction you gain after freeing yourself from those things truly is such an accomplishment.