lessons i learned from my mom
Today we celebrate all the wonderful, inspiring, hard working mothers everywhere. While these words can in no way truly capture all our mothers do for us, we asked members of the Rhone team to tell us about one lesson their moms taught them that has stuck with them over the years.
"One lesson my mother taught me is that two wrongs don't make a right. That lesson will forever stick with me."
Blythe Crasto, Retail Coordinator
"Always listen to your mother because when they warn you about something and you don't listen, it usually happens!"
Geeta Jethani, Designer
"It's not really a lesson but more of a quote my mom says quite often that has always stuck with me. The quote is "The past is the past, the present is now, and the future is what you make of it." Basically saying don't harp on what has happened already and focus on what you need to do to keep driving forward."
Thomas Brown, Operations Support Specialist
"To be patient and kind with everyone because you never know what's going on in someone else's life."
Hannah Trefry, Communications Coordinator
"Start the day with a made bed."
Laura Smith, Director of Sales
"My mom has taught me that it is possible to build a career and be a great mom too. She always worked while we were growing up but never missed a single activity or event. She was always there for us even when her work schedule was crazy. It's hard to picture how she managed her hectic work/life balance before remote work was as accessible as it is now."
Courtney Vargas, Senior Accountant
"Our actions always have consequences. We weren't told we were being bad, but rather we were making choices. This pulled out attention to the consequences at hand. If I don't eat my vegetables, I'm going to be left empty handed watching everyone else eat their desert."
Ben Harker, Senior Web Developer
"When I was younger and learning about my own finances. She told me “If you a want to buy something that you do not NEED but WANT, go to the bank and take the cash out of the bank to pay for it so you could see and feel the money you were spending.” Old school but a great way to understand the value of your money!"
Nancy Yellen, Director of Operations
"Be kind to everyone!"
Michelle Charpentier, Retail Marketing and Operations
"Look at someone when you are speaking to them. Empathy and understanding will get you further than being right ever will. Never underestimate the power of "thank you" and "have a great day"."
Adam Amundson, Newberry Street Store Manager
"Your reputation is like a tail, it will follow you wherever you go" meaning be kind to others, work hard, be good at what you do, and make a positive impression."
Craig Sullivan, Warehouse Operations Manager
"Always wear sunglasses when being photographed."
Simon Hawkins, Customer Experience
Happy Mother's Day from all of us here at Rhone!