You often hear about someone running a marathon, but have you ever heard about someone rowing one? That's exactly what Rhone Community Captain Cameron Ahouse plans to do. We recently sat down with Cameron to chat more about how he came up with the idea, what training looks like, and what's next after he's accomplished this goal. Here's what he had to say. 


How did you first come up with the idea to row a marathon?

I got the idea from my brother who did it at the start of quarantine. He rowed it in a certain time and so naturally I have to beat his time. I love the mental and physical challenge of it especially the pace I am aiming for.

You are rowing your marathon at the Rhone Boston Store on June 13. How long do you expect it will take? Do you break for water or energy/food like you would in a normal marathon?

My goal time is sub 2 hours and 45 minutes which is a 1:57 500m split pace. I will not be taking any breaks or eating. I will however be hydrating throughout. During training I row fasted and won’t drink any water unless it’s over 25,000 meters. It’s not a mental toughness thing I just don’t feel the need to unless I am rowing for more than an hour and a half.

Tell us a little about The Courage Campaign. How did you get connected to The Courage Campaign and what caused you to partner with them?

I was introduced to The Courage  Campaign through the founder, my friend - Ashley Mitchell (@blackgirlmagicmama). She’s a total badass!
It’s a non-profit that uses movement and journaling to revolutionize the way we think about growth, empowerment, and agency. I have been lucky enough to participate in a couple of the events she has put on. One was visiting and talking with high schoolers and the other was a fitness event. Both of these were geared toward showing kids from @roxburyprepcs that the color of their skin doesn’t define their future and to show them individuals that look like them who are in industries that they are looking to enter. I want to do my part in helping Ashley and The Courage Campaign continue this mission.

What did a day of training look like? Do you row daily?
I do not row every day. My goal is to lift heavy 3 times a week and accumulate 30,000-40,000 meters in a week. It depends on the day but there are two typical days during the week. The first consists of me doing some heavy lifting and metcons in the morning followed by a medium distance row (5,000-10,000 meters) in the afternoon. The other will be dedicated to a long row (15,000+ meters). I definitely prefer the lift and row days.

What’s the furthest you’ve rowed in one sitting?
The furthest I’ve rowed is 32,000 meters and that was last June on my 32nd birthday. It was a fun challenge for myself. The longest I’ve rowed during training has been 30,000. The biggest difference is that my pace was about 16 seconds slower than what I am going for this time when I do 42,195 meters.

What’s next for you after you finish this rowing challenge?
It’s going to take a ton of training but I’d really like to run and row a marathon in under 8 hours. Maybe next spring.

Favorite Rhone items to row in?
I’m a huge fan of the Mako Unlined Shorts as they are sweat/water resistant and super comfortable. For a shirt I love the Reign Tees.

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