Ski season has arrived and it's time to start planning trips to the slopes. If you haven’t already started, it’s crunch time to get your body ready for your first day on skis. Every skier knows that your first days on the hill can really punish your body. With a little preseason training, you can avoid or at least minimize the soreness that comes with a return to snow.

We asked Olympian and World Cup mogul skier Troy Murphy to put together a workout to get you fit to fly. So, without further ado, here is a standard weight training workout Troy would do in the offseason and as the season began to maintain strength and get his body ready for the season ahead. 


Complete 5 rounds of each exercise below.

Back Squat or Single Leg Split Squat 
(Perform 5 squats of your choosing.)

Band Resisted Single Leg Lateral Hops 
(Perform 4 jumps on each leg in each direction for a total of 16 jumps )

Weighted Pull-Up 
(Perform 5 pull-ups)

Band Resisted Lateral Step
(Perform 6 steps out and 6 steps back on each leg for 24 steps total)


Complete 5 rounds of each exercise below.

Single Leg Deadlifts or Yogis 
(Perform 5 deadlifts or 8 yogis) 

Weighted Pushups
(Perform 10 pushups)

(Perform 10 reps, holding for 1 second at the top)

(Hold plank for 1 minute)

To follow along on Troy's adventures, follow him on Instagram: @troy_murphy

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