The African American community is hurting.

The long history of discrimination in our country capped off by the senseless killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd over the past few weeks has created a rift in our society that is in desperate need of repair. It has also caused us to deeply reflect on our responsibilities, both as individuals and as corporate citizens. This injustice and violence have to stop, but it will only end when we, together, can address it with every available resource from every possible angle.

As a company, we are addressing the often sensitive topics of diversity, inclusion, and true equality. As a platform, we are laying low to give way to voices far more important than our own. And as a collective of humans, we are committing ourselves to be better, to influence change in our communities and families, ultimately to follow our mission, ‘to inspire one another in the pursuit of progress.’

We fully understand that we may not have the perfect solutions, but we do have ears ready to hear, hearts ready to understand, and hands ready to work. If you have suggestions on anything we can do to aid in the cause of eradicating racism and further promoting justice and peace, please let us know

As we reflect on our responsibilities and actions as a brand, we’re providing a list of resources to help you think, organizations you can contribute to, and businesses led or owned by people of color that you can support.  

Again, we know this is just a start…but starting is where true progress begins.

In the timely and very relevant words of Desmond Tutu, “My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.”

Please see below for links to additional resources to help you educate yourself and your families. 


Anti-racism Organizations Where You Can Donate

BIPOC-Owned Businesses to Support Today and Everyday

Anti-racism Instagram Accounts To Follow  

How To Talk To Your Kids About Racism



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