your mama: a q&a with high valley
With their flavorful blend of positive-minded, bluegrass-tinted country, Brad and Curtis Rempel comprise the critically acclaimed Canadian-born, Nashville-bred duo HIGH VALLEY. With their latest single Your Mama releasing just in time for Mother's Day, it felt only appropriate to get to know this duo a little better. We caught up with the award-winning brothers to talk a little about music, their mom, and her influence in their lives. Here's what they had to say.
How did you guys first get your start in music?
Brad: Our family recorded our first album when I was four years old. We can’t remember life before music.
Curtis: I'm the youngest of six kids. There was so much music in the family by the time I was born. I didn't stand a chance!
What artists inspire your music today?
Brad: My kids listen to NF and Post Malone. I don’t get to pick the music!
Curtis: My daughter has me hooked on the Frozen soundtracks. Somebody save me.
What’s one of your favorite memories of your mom?
Brad: Mom loves to laugh and be crazy. She always has riddles and old school jokes. If you don’t laugh the first time, she’ll tell it over and over until you do!
Curtis: Mom got this exercise VHS. During her first workout, I cried my eyes out, clinging to her leg while my body was flinging around the living room because I did not want her to become someone else! I guess I thought exercise would do that overnight, haha!
What is one thing your mom has taught you that you will never forget?
Brad: Don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe.
Curtis: Mom really helped me build confidence. She valued what I had to say and wanted to hear my opinions.
What’s your favorite meal that your mom makes?
Brad: Mom makes great Chili with homemade rolls.
Curtis: A traditional Mennonite soup called "zomma borscht". Unbelievable with her fresh dinner rolls.
What is one quality your wife has that you hope she passes on to your children?
Brad: My wife never ever complains and always finds the positive in every situation. She takes care of everyone around her but still takes time for herself.
Curtis: She is tenderhearted in a way I only wish I could be. I hope my kids get that.
When you aren’t performing, what’s your favorite thing to do with your family?
Brad: Watch my boys play football, basketball or baseball.
Curtis: I love going for a neighborhood walk or bike ride. Holding my wife's hand and looking at our kids and talking about how big they have gotten. It's unbelievable every time.
What is your favorite Mother's Day tradition?
Brad: Last-minute panic trip to town with my boys. I really need to learn to buy my wife a gift ahead of time!
Curtis: Picking wildflowers (dandelions) with the kids to bring to mama :)