4 week functional fitness program
Before diving into the workout plan, we sat down with Pat to learn a bit more about what he defines as "The 4 Pillars of Fitness" and how they impact not only his programming, but his (and his athlete's) life outside the gym.
Pat Gilles, owner of Pat’s Gym, learned early on in his athletic career, which took him from collegiate golf and hockey to Olympic and Professional sailing, that talent and drive were two critical aspects of success. He also learned, however, that talent and drive alone are only a few pieces to the puzzle of reaching maximum potential–there are 3 additional pillars to fitness that need to be created. That realization led Pat to create the 4 Pillars of Fitness as a guide to the way he trains himself and others who seek out his expertise.
Pat wearing the 7" Mako Short. Shop Here.
As someone who is constantly experimenting with new exercises and movements, Pat’s knowledge is based on all of the latest scientific support that he can gather. What’s more? He is consistently refreshing his knowledge by constantly researching the latest trends and studies he can find. In addition, Pat has an extensive network of other professionals that he uses when he seeks advice or diversity of thought on various issues.
Now, let’s dive into the pillars of working out and Pat’s philosophy. Not only does an athlete have to have talent, but they also have to have a training program that is based on science and experience. Pillar number one. An effective and consistent workout plan.
The second pillar of fitness is nutrition. In order to make gains and maximize your results, an athlete has to know when to eat and what to eat in order to effectively replace the muscles that are being broken down, to have the energy to work out, and to be healthy overall. In order to maximize the gains, an athlete has to not only eat with a purpose but eat in alignment with the workouts that are being done. Gone is the myth that you should eat only 3 meals a day. Reaching your fitness goals means fueling to support those goals. It also means varying the meals to support the types of workouts that you’re going to be doing.
The third pillar of fitness is recovery. An athlete must not only workout but must also engage in activities to help the body recover. Recovery activities can involve structural/recovery workouts, but truly, it’s a lot more than that. Sleep is hugely impactful. An adult athlete should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night. In addition, an athlete should roll out each day to break up the fascia in the body that will tend to bind up and in order to keep the blood flowing. It also helps to reduce muscle soreness. Body work is another tacit that helps to get blood flowing but maybe the most simple recovery tactics include the use of things like ice baths and hot and cold showers. Pat has even gone as far as to create a credit and debit sheet to help his athletes ensure they’re recovering effectively each day.
Pat wearing the 5" Mako Tech Short. Shop Here.
The last pillar of recovery is mental toughness, which also includes a stress management component. In order to reduce spikes of insulin and cortisol that stress causes in your body, you have to have ways to deal with stress. Pats workouts do just that by teaching individuals how to control stress and power through various tough situations. Not only do they help people find success in the gym, but these same techniques can be applied to all other parts of your life–which is generally ignored in the fitness industry.
The Game Plan
This 4-week workout plan has three workouts per week. Ideally you would have a rest day or easy cardio flush between workouts. Each workout focuses on compound movements and total body exercises. The main energy systems we are focusing on are power endurance and strength endurance.
What If I Don't Have Access To A Lot of Equipment?
I really wanted to make these workouts doable for anyone. No matter where you are or what equipment you have available you can still get a great workout. For the odd object you can use any weight around the house (backpack, DB, KB, bars, books, water bottles, etc). You will also use your own bodyweight to get a great total body workout.
Let’s Talk Modifications…
The number one rule with these workouts is no pain. If something hurts do not do that exercise. In these workouts you can always make them easier or harder by dropping or adding repetitions/weight. One of the most important things with working out is consistency so try to do your best to commit to this 4-week plan and find the right time/rep domain for you to be able to maintain full range of motion. Each workout has a short video explaining how to modify exercises, how to read the workout, and goes over the movements seen in the workout plan.
The Workout Plan
Day 1
Power Endurance
2x5 Wall Squat
2x20 Squat
2x5 Goblet Squat
2x20m Lunge
2x20m Lunge With a Tip Over
Every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 20:00
Minute 1 - 5 Odd-Object Ground to Overhead +10 Burpees
Minute 2 - 5 Odd-Object Deadlifts + 20 Split jumps (L=1/R=2)
If you have:
a dumbbell - 5 DB Snatch/deadlifts (switch sides each minute)
a pair of dumbbells - 3-5 Double DB Snatch/deadlifts
a kettlebell - 5 KB Snatch/deadlifts(switch sides each minute)
a barbell - 5 Barbell Power Snatch/deadlifts (light)
Day 2
Strength Endurance
3 Rounds Of:
x5 Goblet Squat
x5 Romanian Deadlift
x5 Single Arm Overhead Press
All weighted movements done with 15-35 lb Dumbbell, Kettlebell or Odd Object
20:00 min AMRAP (as many rounds a possible)
2 Odd-Object Swings
2 Odd-Object Squats
2 Odd-Object Press
2 Burpees over Odd-Object
*Increase reps by 2 each round
Next round looks like:
4 Odd-Object Swings
4 Odd-Object Squats
4 Odd-Object Press
4 Burpees over Odd-Object
If you have:
a dumbbell - DB Snatch & Goblet Squats & Press
a kettlebell - KB Snatch & Goblet Squats & Press
a barbell - Power Cleans & Front Squats & Press
Day 3
2x5 Wall Squat
2x10 Squat
2x20m Lunge
2x5 Push Ups
10-1 Ladder of Push Ups and Bent Over Row
Looks like: 10 push ups, 10 bent over rows, 9 push ups, 9 bent over rows, etc...
200 Odd-Object ground to Shoulder
*Every minute on the minute perform 5 deck squats
If you have:
a dumbbell - 200 Alternating DB Power Cleans
a pair of dumbbells - 150 Double DB Power Cleans
a kettlebell - 200 KB Power Cleans (Switching sides every minute)
a barbell - 100 Power Cleans (Light-Moderate)
Day 1
3 Rounds Of:
x5 Walkouts with a push up
x10 Alternating Lunges
:10 Superman Hold
:10 Hollow Hold
Every 3:00 for 30:00 complete:
24 Squats + 12 Burpees + 6/side Odd-Object Hang Clean & Press
If you have:
a dumbbell - 6/side DB Hang Clean & Press
a pair of dumbbells - 6 DBHang Clean & Press
a kettlebell - 6/side KB Hang Clean & Press
a barbell - 6 Clean and Press
an ERG - 18/13 Calories on machine (for squats)
Day 2
2 Rounds Of:
x10 Hip 90/90 CARS
x10 Push Up Turn Arounds
For time:
Run 400m or 2 min Mountain Climbers
x30 Kicksits Each Side
x30 Drop Downs
x30 Atomic Sit Ups
x30 Odd-Object Thrusters
x30 Hollow Logs
x30 Drop Downs
x30 Kicksits Each Side
Run 400m or 2 min Mountain Climbers
If you have:
a dumbbell - 15/side Thrusters
a pair of dumbbells - 30 Thrusters
a kettlebell - 15/side Thrusters
a barbell - Thrusters
a pull-up bar - 30 Toes to bar (for atomic sit ups)
Day 3
5 Rounds Of:
10m Slow Bear Crawl
10m Death March (1 step, 1 split stance dead lift)
10m Crab Walk
10m Walking Lunge
5 Rounds Of:
x15 Odd-Object Ground to Overhead
x15 Air Squats
x15 Push-ups
Rest 3:00
Do these 5 rounds, two times through (10 rounds total)
If you have:
a dumbbell - 20 DB Hang Clean and Jerks
a pair of dumbbells - 15 Double DB Snatch
a kettlebell - 20 Kettlebell Swings
a barbell - 15 Power Snatch (Light)
Day 1
Power Endurance
3 Rounds Of
x5 Squats
x5 Romanian Deadlift
x5 Wall Squats
x5 Lunges (each side)
Every minute on the minute for 24:00
Minute 1 - 15-21 No Push-up Burpees
Minute 2 - 6 kick throughs + 7 V-ups
Minute 3 - 7 Odd-Object Thrusters + 7 Push-ups
If you have:
a dumbbell - 7 Single Arm DB Thrusters (switch sides each minute)
a pair of dumbbells - 7 Double DB Thrusters
a kettlebell - 7 Single Arm KB Thrusters (switch sides each minute)
a barbell - 7 BB Thrusters
an ERG - 18/13 Calories on machine (for No Push-up Burpees)
a pull-up bar - 7 Toes to bar (for V-ups)
Day 2
2 Rounds Of:
x20 Jumping Jacks
x10 Good Mornings (with your hands behind your head)
x10 Bent Over Y’s
x10 Bent Over T’s
x10 Air Squats
x10 Cossack Squats
30:00 AMRAP
x10 Push-ups
x10 Air Squats
x10 Bent Over Odd-Object Rows
*Increase reps by 2 each round
If you have:
a dumbbell - Single Arm Bent over rows (split reps evenly)
a pair of dumbbells - Bent over rows
a kettlebell - Single Arm Bent over rows (split reps evenly)
a barbell - Bent over rows
a pull-up bar - Pull-ups
Day 3
5 Rounds Of:
10m Slow Bear Crawl
10m Death March (1 step, 1 split stance dead lift)
10m Crab Walk
10m Walking Lung
200 Odd-Object Thrusters
*Every minute on the minute perform 8 Burpees over Odd-Object
If you have:
a dumbbell - 250 Single Arm DB Thrusters (Switch sides as necessary)
a pair of dumbbells - 200 Double DB Thrusters
a kettlebell - 250 Single Arm KB Thrusters (Switch sides as necessary)
a barbell - 200 Barbell Thrusters (Moderate)
an erg - 400 calories
Day 1
Power Endurance
2x5 Wall Squat
2x10 Squat
2x20m Lunge
Every minute on the minute for 10:00
8 Burpees + 10 Odd-Object Bent Over Rows
Rest 5:00
Every minute on the minute for 10:00
14 Air Squats + 7 Pike Push-ups
Rest 5:00
Every minute on the minute for 10:00
5 Odd-Object Ground to Overhead + 5 Odd-Object Thrusters
If you have:
a dumbbell - 7 Single Arm DB Snatch / Thrusters/Z-press (pike push ups) (switch every minute)
a pair of dumbbells - 5 Double DB Snatch / Thrusters/Z-press
a kettlebell - 7 Single Arm KB Snatch / Thrusters /Z-press (switch every minute)
a barbell - 5 BB Snatch / Thrusters/ Z-press
an ERG - 7/5 Calories (for air squats)
a pull-up bar - 8 Pull-ups (for Bent Over Rows)
Day 2
3 Rounds Of:
x30 sec Bridge Hold
x10 Cossack Squat
x5 Hindu Push Up
x20 Jumping Jacks
8 Rounds Of:
400m Run or 100 total step ups (box, chair, bench)
1:00 Plank
*Wear a weighted backpack or vest if possible
5 min v-sit
*Break up as needed
Day 3
2 Rounds Of:
x20 Jumping Jacks
x10 Good Mornings (with your hands behind your head)
x10 Bent Over Y’s
x10 Bent Over T’s
x10 Air Squats
x10 Cossack Squats
300 Air Squats or 150 reverse burpees or 400 calories on erg
*Every minute on the minute perform 5 floor bench press
If you have:
a dumbbell - 6 Alternating bench press
a kettlebell - 6 Alternating Kettlebell bench press
a barbell - 5 BB bench press
an ERG - 8/5 Calories on machine (for bench press)
Looking for a playlist to get you through your 4-week training #sweatchecks? We've got you covered.
More About Pat
If you have questions on any of these four pillars of fitness, email Pat at pat@patsgym.com. Want to learn more about him? Check out his trainer highlight article!
If you want a more specific tailored workout plan Pat offers online coaching through Pat’s Gym. He will design an adaptable workout program for you based on where you train and what you have available. You will have access to one-on-one communication with Pat via email, text, phone, and an interactive website. Take the guessing out of working out. Work with a coach, ask questions, and get results.
Email Pat: pat@patsgym.com
Phone: 608-692-6355
Website: www.patsgym.com